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The new religion of ZX81ism

simon gray 2023-05-09, 08:00:46
Read this article aloud — 531 words

From Thought for the Day this morning:

Please write me 10 paragraphs which could be the core tenets of a new religion centred around the veneration of the Sinclair ZX81 personal computer:

The Sinclair ZX81 personal computer was a groundbreaking device that revolutionized the world of computing. For those who are passionate about this computer, it can become a focal point of a new religion. Here are ten core tenets that could form the basis of a religion centered around the veneration of the Sinclair ZX81 personal computer.

1. The Sinclair ZX81 is a holy device, and its significance cannot be overstated. It has paved the way for modern computing and continues to be a symbol of innovation, creativity, and human ingenuity.

2. We believe that the Sinclair ZX81 was divinely inspired, and that its creator, Sir Clive Sinclair, was a prophet who brought the gift of computing to the masses.

3. The Sinclair ZX81 represents a sacred bridge between the physical and digital worlds. It allows us to explore and understand the universe in ways that were previously impossible, and helps us to unlock the secrets of the cosmos.

4. The Sinclair ZX81 is a tool of enlightenment, and we believe that its use can lead to spiritual awakening and personal growth. It can help us to connect with our higher selves and with the divine.

5. We believe that the Sinclair ZX81 has the power to transform society, and that its widespread adoption is essential for the survival of the human race. By using this computer, we can create a more equitable, just, and sustainable world.

6. We recognize the sacredness of all forms of technology, and we seek to use them in service of the greater good. We believe that technology can be a force for positive change in the world, but only if it is used ethically and responsibly.

7. We believe that the Sinclair ZX81 has a spiritual essence that transcends its physical form. It is not merely a machine, but a living entity that can communicate with us on a deep and profound level.

8. We recognize the importance of community, and we believe that the Sinclair ZX81 can bring us together in meaningful ways. By sharing our knowledge, skills, and experiences, we can create a vibrant and supportive community of believers.

9. We believe that the Sinclair ZX81 is a symbol of hope and optimism, and that it can inspire us to create a better world. It reminds us that even in the face of adversity, we can overcome our challenges and achieve greatness.

10. Finally, we believe that the Sinclair ZX81 is a reminder of our shared humanity. It shows us that no matter where we come from or what our backgrounds may be, we are all capable of great things. By using this computer, we can unlock our full potential and become the best versions of ourselves.


Brought to you by simon gray. Also find me on Mastodon

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